Aaaah, Heat at Last!

So, my blow by blow account of my trip to Trion Worlds continues!  I have left the ‘E’ Terminal (the horribly ghetto ‘E’ terminal!) and moved over to ‘D’.  This terminal is the home to the Grand Hyatt hotel, with its horribly overpriced beer.  But it does have free heat and that’s all I need.

So, I guess only part of DFW Airport totally sucks afterall!

The Dallas Airport Pretty Much Sucks…

So, it is now 11PM and I am setting at the DFW Airport waiting for a flight that does not leave until 8AM.  Yes, I got here really early but it was either have a friend drive me to the airport early or drive my truck and pay 20 bucks a day for parking.

Needless to say, I got here early.

I have quickly discovered that DFW Airport sucks.  All the ticket counters are closed and do not open until 5AM.  I can not get to any of the restaurants or shops because to get there you have to go through security which is, you guessed it…..closed.

So, I am sitting in the part of the terminal I can get to and using my Droid (thank God for my Droid!) as a mobile hot-spot to surf the internet.  Don’t even think of using the airports hot-spot because its expensive.  Yeah, this airport sucks.

To top it off, the temperature in Dallas right now is officially cold as hell and the heat in this terminal is pretty much non-existent.  Going outside is out of the question because I think I will freeze solid as I walk around.

All this adds up to a loooong night sitting in the terminal and surfing the internet.  I do have a movie or two to watch as well and I imagine that will be on the agenda for later on tonight.

Still, it is well worth it for my trip to San Francisco!  Getting to see the Trion team and tour the studio is just too awesome.

Hmmm, I wonder if I would get in trouble if I laid down here and took a nap?